-3.2 C
Friday, February 14, 2025

About Euroregion “Dniester”


The territory is 34,218 km2
Population – 2050 thousand people.
The Dniester Euroregion includes:

  • from Ukraine:
    • Vinnytsia region;
  • from the Republic of Moldova:
    • Dondushen district
    • Dubossary district
    • Viknytsia district
    • Ghum district
    • Soroka district
    • Floresh district
    • Sholdanest district

According to the Statute of the Dniester Euroregion:

Euroregion “Dniester” is created as a body of cross-border cooperation, as a union of local authorities of administrative-territorial units of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, it is not an alternative to local administrations, it is not created for the purpose of forming a new administration, it does not act against the interests of the national state, it does not act as higher legal entity.

The main goal of the creation and operation of the Euroregion “Dniester” is the implementation of programs for the integrated, harmonized development of territories adjacent to the Dniester River.

To achieve the goal, the Parties will cooperate, within the limits of their competence, in the implementation of the following tasks:

organization, coordination and deepening of ties in the economy, trade, science, education, culture, tourism and sports;
implementation of joint projects on environmental protection, ecological improvement of the Dniester river basin;
implementation of joint cross-border investment projects;
implementation of regional projects (programs) on reducing unemployment among the population of border regions through increasing economic potential;
organization of contacts with relevant international organizations, foundations, institutes, agencies and other organizations.